The Oldest Flag In The World

The Oldest Flag In The World

  • The oldest national flag in the world should be Denmark's red and white cross flag. It is said that when King Waldema of Denmark attacked Estonia in 1219, the fighting was exceptionally intense. Just as the two sides were engaged in a fierce battle, suddenly a white cross with a blood red flag floated down from the sky. This flag is named 'Dane's Flag'. Waldema immediately ordered the erection of this flag for a comprehensive attack, and ultimately achieved a complete victory. In fact, Waldema made this flag to boost morale and defeat the enemy, claiming to 'uphold the will of God'. Later, this flag was designated as the national flag of Denmark.
The Flag Of Denmark
  • The Danish flag is the earliest national flag in the world. Later, many countries used the Danish flag as their version when designing their flags, especially the Nordic countries that have geographical advantages with Denmark. All of them used the "cross" symbol of the Danish flag, so this cross is also known as the "Nordic cross", representing Christianity.
From left to right - Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark.
  • (From left to right, the five national flags are Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark.)
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